Friday, June 7, 2013

Trojan War Play

Author's note: I wrote this to demonstrate text analysis.

One event that that changed to the modern story from the original is the Trojan horse part of it.  In the original story the people of Troy decide to keep the horse.  In the play Helen asks Paris if she could keep it.  Also when Helen says I wish it was a unicorn that changed, because back then they didn’t know what that was.  The people thought it was a gift from Poseidon, because he is the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses.  In the play it was just for killing Achilles.  The scene in the original was it was more dark and in the play it seemed more happy and more cheerful.

A character that changed was Helen, because she was the prettiest girl.  The stereotype is that people that are pretty or hansom are dumb.  They changed that in the play.  A thing that stayed the same was the Poseidon built the walls of Troy and that stayed the same in the play.  The play was a good remake in some parts and a bad remake in other part of it.  The changes  in the play were so that it was more funny.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Text Analysis (3)

Just Two Young Boys Playing

Authors Note:  I wrote this to demonstrate text analysis.

It is the nineteen forties during World War Two.   In “After You, my Dear Alphonse”  by Shirley Jackson,  Johnny comes home with a friend that is African American named Boyd.  Mrs. Wilson assumes that Boyd is poor and needs clothes.  That is the same in “A Clean, Well- lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway.  The younger waiter assumes the old man is there to drink and drink.  In both the stories people speculate things about other people that they have no clue of.  Mrs. Wilson assesses the situation and assumes that he is poor, because the color of his skin.   In the cafe the old man is grumpy and the young waiter just wants to go home and he sends the old man home.  He assumed that he was there just make the waiters have to stay there.

First of all, Mrs. Wilson assumes that Boyd is in need of food and clothes.  She also assumes that Boyd’s dad is big and has to work as a lower class worker at his job.  Mrs. Wilson also assumed that Johnny made Boyd carry the wood that the two boys played with.  The two waiters in “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” have to give the old man beer.  One of the waiters assesses the situation and assumed he was there to drink away.  He says “Why can't he drink at a bar?  They are open all night.”  When the man asked for more beer the young waiter stopped him.

Second of all, “After You my Dear Alphonse” seemed to be in the southern United States, because Mrs. Wilson saw a lot of racism to the African Americans.  She doesn't want Johnny to be like that. When she saw Boyd carrying the wood, Mrs. Wilson thought that Johnny made Boyd carry the wood.  When she assumes that he is poor she is was trying to give him stuff that he said he has.  In “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” it seems in England or were they have cafes and bars.  The older waiter says that the café is light and the bars are dark.  That is why the old man wants to drink at the café.

Third of all, the cafe in “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” symbolizes light and happiness.  The old man isn’t happy and almost committed suicide, because he feels lonely.  The young man says he should just drink at home so that the waiters could go home earlier than two o’clock.  When the old man asks for more the young man stops him and the old man gets up and hobbled slowly away.  The young waiter watched him walk way.  The older waiter yelled at the younger waiter asking why had to make the old man leave.  He explained what the café had symbolized.

Last of all, the messages in these stories are that don’t assume something that you have no clue how the other person’s life really is.  The waiter assumed that the old man was there just to drink away.  Mrs. Wilson assumed that Boyd was poor.  The waiter assumed, because the man just kept drinking and Mrs. Wilson assumed because the color of Boyd's skin.  She was giving him clothes and saying that he liked food that she has no clue if he likes.  She says that his dad must be big and strong just because he was African American without even seeing his dad before.  That explains why the message is not to assume things about people you don't know about.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Trojan Horse

The conflict in "The Trojan Horse" is the Greeks and the Trojans were fighting over a girl.  The Greeks made a horse and a Greek spy told the Trojans to bring it into there wall and they would get gold.  When they did that the partied and the Greeks came out of the belly of the horse and raided the city.  It gets resolved when the Greeks from the horse raid the city.  The thing that was sneaky was when the spy said to big it in the walls.

Yes it could, because if somebody want to find something about someone they could do that.  I don't think that it could happen at a one of those place, because it would be too easy to figure it out.  I did see it some place.  I saw it on Phineas and Ferb.  They talked about it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Text Analysis

Two Waiters in One Café

Author's note: I wrote this to demonstrate text analysis on “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway.

It's late and there are two waiters working at a cafe, there is no one around and there is this one old, drunk man.  The two waiters are different, but they have to settle their differences and have to work together.  Another book like that is Big Field by Mike Lupica.  There are two boys that are different like the waiters.  The two boys have to come together the same way the waiters do in "A clean Well-lighted Place."  Hutch is the caring  one like the older waiter and Darryl is the selfish, uncaring one like the younger waiter.

 Firstly, the two stories were written in different time periods, but  two main characters in both stories aren't  alike.  The two waiters in “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” are alike to the boy in Big Field, because they have to come together and work with each other.  Even though the two stories were written in different time periods they are similar were the characters don’t like each other and they have to do work and play together.

Secondly, the author portrays that Hutch is the good guy and Darryl is the bad guy. That is the same in "A Clean Well-lighted Place", because the old waiter is portrayed the good guy like Hutch and the younger waiter is the bad guy like Darryl.  If Darryl was the main character, same with the uncaring waiter, it would change what the stories were about.  Big Field would be how Hutch is so  at taking his leadership role on the base field, and “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” would end when he went home.

Lastly, the relationship between the two characters in “A Clean Well-lighted Place” isn't good.  They are alike in many ways.  One is that the older  waiter is lonely,  and doesn't have a wife and family.  The younger waiter has a family and has a wife.  The boys have moms and dads, but Hutch's dad was an MLB shortstop.  He played and taught him that Hutch to care about the game.  Darryl just is a natural at it and is good.  He is cocky and doesn’t care what happens in a game.  The boys have to come together so that their team plays good no matter what they think of each other. 

The two stories are the same in many ways, because the two main characters are alike the other characters in the other story.  Both characters from “A Clean Well-lighted Place are different.  The older waiter is nice and lonely.  The younger waiter is mean and has a family.  The boys are different too. Hutch is caring about baseball and nice to people.  Hutch was taught to love the game of baseball.  Darryl is not caring about baseball and is mean to the coach.  The two waiter are the same to the boys in Big Field.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fitness and Health Essay

Evan Turinske 4/A

What physical activity means to me is that I can see my friends and I can talk with them.  I like being with my friend were we can play games and challenge each other.  When we play hockey I like playing it with my friends.  Some of us aren’t that good at it, but we like playing it anyways.  It is fun trying to score against the better players that play in a league.  I’m okay at hockey and you get an exercise running up and down the court.  Hockey is my favorite sport in P.E.  If we have a choice I will do what my friends want to do.

 What I also like to do is get a healthy exercise.  I like being able to run at the start and being able to choose what we want to do.  I often choose hockey.  It is nice that we can choice what you want to do after you run the mile.  If we run the pacer we all do that the whole time.  It gets boring run back and forth 60 times.  That works your heart well.

P.E is a well challenge, because you have to push yourself farther than you thought you could.   If you don’t think you can’t run the mile under 10 minutes, the P.E teachers push you farther.  Then we will play a game after it or do our sit ups or do our pull ups.  The best thing is playing tennis in the warm weather.  I also like playing baseball.  The best thing to do is to try and do stuff that you do think you can do well.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Text Analysis of Clean, Well-lighted Place

Two Waiters in One Cafe
Author's note: I wrote this to demonstrate text analysis on Clean; Well-lighted Place.

It's late and you work at a cafe, there is this one old drunk man.  You are just waiting for him to go home.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Ransom of Red Chief

The story Ransom of Red Chief is about two men kidnapping a young boy.  The parent don't want the boy.  At the end the kidnapper end up having to pay the parents to take the boy back.  I think this is a good line during a moment of temporary mental apparition.  That mean that they aren't the brightest people in the world.  It also means that they are not smart.  It means they were stupid for a breve amount of time.